“Heraclitus, I believe, says that all things pass and nothing stays, and comparing existing things to the flow of a river, he says you could not step twice into the same river”-Plato


Change: to make something into something else. We see change in every aspect of our lives. Be it changing climate, seasons, relationships or any social forms or maybe our thoughts!! Change can be seen everywhere in our day-to-day lives.


From the very beginning we desire different things, be it chocolates at the grocery store, or a similar toy at your friends’ place, or a branded handbag or maybe biggest birthday bash in your neighbourhood. Our desires and needs keep on changing with time. What might be important today may not hold the same place tomorrow. Nothing is constant in life, not even that heart beating inside you. It also beats with a rhythm. Our lives are full of constant changes: one day we might be in our comfortable houses, next day we have to move out of our houses due to jobs, colleges. But we are always afraid of change because there is a fear of unknown and we don’t know what’s going to happen next, we have Fear of Challenges. And face it; nobody likes challenges because challenges force us to come out of our comfort zone and who wants to come out of their comfort zone: “I DON’T”.


But just for a second. Imagine your life without change, how boring would that be, how monotonous and, stagnant would that be. Change is the only thing that keeps us moving ahead, to achieve more, achieve better. As Benjamin Franklin said “When you are finished changing, you are finished”. Imagine you live the same exact live every single day, there will be no excitement in life, there will be no growth in life and I mean humankind would never have come this far if it wasn’t for change.


Even in these Covid times no one thought we would be taking our classes online or we would be taking our exams online, earlier what would have seemed impossible, now we all are doing it beautifully. Of course, at first, we all panicked, we all thought how we would deal with so many changes and some of us might even be very adamant about not wanting to change but slowly we all adapted to it and I think we will all agree that we have learned so many things from this pandemic. Even if sometimes things seem impossible, we are resilient enough to get through it and I think that’s what is beautiful about us humans.


So embrace change because change is beautiful, we should learn to accept change even is sometimes things get difficult. We should remind ourselves that we are strong enough to get through it. Just never stop believing in yourself, just tell yourself you have got through challenges before and you will get through it again. Never be afraid of change. Remember change always helps you grow and gives you a better version of yourself.

“Smile, breathe and go with the flow.”



Seedling (Our love for you remains a constant, though!)

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