‘Yesterday, I received a call from one of my cousins from the US. He gradually added all of my cousins, aunts and uncles, with whom I have not spoken from long. It was a video conference call- A Web Get Together. A little later, one of my aunts joined who wasn’t well and couldn’t speak much due to her illness. But to our surprise, she became the most active member during the call after a few minutes. Her uneasiness faded away and she made us all laugh throughout the conversation.’

After a long time, I too felt rekindled.

Today, we all are so busy and removed away from our dear ones due to our careers and schedules. Another grotesque situation that has stagnated our life is COVID.

It has affected each and every individual in some way or the other. It has shaken our world, made us all anxious, scared, depressed and insecure.It has compelled us to stay away from each other and that has brought a lot of inertia and skepticism and  induced the feeling of being unwanted. The most affected are the elderly.

Taking you back to my phone call, it turned out to be an antidote for my aunt. The power of Family again proved its mettle. It compelled me to reassert to myself that ‘Family Therapy is the best therapy and is beyond every medication.’

All we need is to take an initiative to reconnect and reunite with our families. Let’s enlighten each other’s lives and express our love, fondness and gratitude for each other.

In this adversity, a call or a video conference could be the best way to strengthen the bond. A small joke, a few words appreciation and compliments, a healthy leg pulling or reliving old memories always soothe us and keep us lively.

Family is not just about blood. It also includes friends and angels who light up our life paths with  their encouraging presence and unconditional love.

So let’s take the time out for those we care about.

It’s been beautiful connecting with you, dear reader!

And I hope this leaves you inspired to make that long overdue call to a loved one.

Keep smiling and keep the love flowing!



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