The term ‘New Normal’ that may have sounded unique and bizarre a year ago, has become today’s modern mantra, that rules how we manage our relationships, job, education, travel and more. Undoubtedly, the pandemic has had a huge impact on our lives so much so that we find ourselves confronted with difficulties that can be stressful, overwhelming, and elicit strong emotions in adults as well as children. Especially you, the parents, who have had to form new alliances with modern technology and devise a variety of methods to make the long waking hours of your children meaningful.


Social distancing, which is necessary to keep everyone safe, emits a feeling of being cloistered, isolated and lonely, giving rise to an unsettling sense of anxiety. And rightly so, with the physical distance from family and friends, missing out on celebrations and vacations and the disruption of their regular method of learning, the atmosphere in the home is bound to be tense.  Parents, you urgently need a fresh influx of ideas to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle for the wholesome well-being of your children. Here are a few suggestions. Devise a healthy mix of these, and you may just find yourself feeling positively energized to transform the drudgery of daily living into a sense of well-being.

  • Your child should inculcate the habit of waking up early.
  • A ten-minute meditation can be a soothing balm for a cluttered mind.
  • Make sure your child has a set of goals to be tackled in the day.
  • A short fifteen-minute exercise is ideal. Let your child choose… Yoga, Jogging, Skipping, Aerobics, Zumba, etc.
  • Set a fixed time for studying.
  • Involve yourself in your child’s educational process.
  • Familiarize yourself with their lesson schedule.
  • Check if the home assignments are being submitted on time.
  • Communicate with the teachers.
  • Share your concerns and get their feedback at regular intervals.
  • Set a good example for your children by setting a separate schedule for yourself.
  • Make sure your children and the elders of the family follow the Covid 19 safety rules strictly.
  • Communicate with them as a friend.
  • Share sensitive concerns with them at appropriate moments.
  • Encourage your children to be in touch with your extended family.
  • This will provide them a healthy platform for sharing thoughts and opinions with those not living in proximity.
  • Try to limit the screen time of your kids after the day’s online lessons are done.
  • Keep a keen and vigilant eye on their nutritional intake.
  • As far as possible make meal-times into a family sit-down event.
  • Encourage your kids to pick up the habit of reading: fiction, non-fiction, magazines or newspapers.
  • Reading is a fabulous tool for acquiring information and enhancing language skills.
  • All the above can provide a perfect blended potion for the well-being of you and your family.


Seedling Family


  1. This was very good comment at all please send some more blogs about it please it was very good

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