Is an Academic score enough to assess a child’s overall development?

How do we know that a student is flourishing at school?

Earlier student test scores used to be the only key measure for academic success. But today, students also need to know how to set and pursue goals, understand and manage emotions, cope with setbacks, have empathy, collaborate, engage in positive social relationships, and make responsible decisions—a skill set called Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). A Student may sometimes feel frustrated because of many unknown reasons; be it examination anxiety, peer pressure, unhealthy relationships, or an inability to cope with the curriculum. Dealing with that frustration and finding constructive ways to deal with emotions and interact with one another in respectful ways are a few guiding principles behind Social Emotional Learning SEL.

Social-emotional learning skills have been proven to improve students’ attitudes, relationships, mental health, and academic performance. Research shows that strong social-emotional skills can help students regulate their own emotions, have healthy relationships, resolve conflicts, avoid engaging in risky behaviors, and make ethical and safe choices, all of which have been proven for overall success in life.

Integrating Social-Emotional Learning into academic lessons can benefit students in many ways. Students with strong social-emotional skills are more likely to achieve academic goals and thrive in the classroom. Also, academic lessons can be enhanced by pairing with SEL strategies which will give students a great opportunity to practice SEL skills.

Teachers also play a very vital role in developing social-emotional skills in students, therefore, their own well-being and social-emotional competence must be sound enough to help students in an empathetic manner. Classrooms with warm teacher-child relationships support deep learning and positive social and emotional development among students. Children who feel comfortable with teachers are more likely to develop SEL skills in them.

 Let’s raise children who aren’t afraid to feel.

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